Bringing easy to use, reliable and affordable heat to SWVA.
The Yoders
Our family has always heated with wood. I remember back in the '80's
having a wood stove in the living room and hauling wood in the front door....
Dad going out to milk in the morning and backing up to it to warm himself.... and all us boys sleeping by it on bitter winter nights when the bedrooms were too cold. And the day the chimney caught fire and scared Mom half to death and Dad was away at work (no cell phones!). The only thermostat was a damper on the stove and how far you sat from it's heat.
In the summer of 1996 our family decided to supplement our income with a
hydroponic tomato greenhouse. We purchased a used greenhouse,
disassembled it, transported it home, reassembled it, and were soon happily
watching our new family enterprise take shape and grow. But soon reality set in.
Growing tomatoes was hard work and the profits went directly to the propane
company. We had heard of a wonderful innovation called an outdoor wood
furnace and did some research. After installing a woefully undersized Taylor
our outdoor furnace journey began. We soon upgraded to a larger furnace (which heated our home and greenhouse) and purchased a trailerload of furnaces and a delivery trailer.
Now, 22 years and several thousand furnaces later, we still have the same
trailer, but have upgraded from the Toyota pickup to a Dodge Cummins
tooltruck. The greenhouse is long gone, and honestly none of us miss it!
HeatMaster SS outdoor furnaces provided a full time income for Dad and now for me, but more importantly an opportunity to help people with a real need- a warm home.
David was a HeatMaster SS distributor for over 15 years. Recently David has retired and I (Eldon) have taken over the daily operation of the dealership. Lord willing we'll be here to take care of your heating needs for many years to come.
Eldon Yoder

Heatmaster SS is a family owned company that specializes in wood, biomass and coal furnaces. Their continual push toward better furnaces and new innovation has given them a reputation as a leader in the industry.
HeatMaster SS has been a privilege to work with and we have done so since the early 2000's. We genuinely feel that they will be here for us as a dealer and you as a customer. Their almost universally positive reviews are a testimony to the effort they have made in treating their customers right.